Gulfstream has a solid reputation among the nation’s leading banks, life insurance companies, and other loan sellers. As a result, Gulfstream has access to a continuous stream of attractive opportunities to acquire performing, sub-performing, and non-performing commercial real estate loans throughout the nation.
Loans are sold by financial institutions at a discount for a variety of reasons. In today’s market, prices vary significantly for performing loans, and trade at deeper discounts for sub-performing and non-performing loans. Gulfstream makes every effort to fully investigate and understand market dynamics, property values, and the property ownership profile prior to acquiring a subject loan. Gulfstream is unique because we evaluate opportunities from a real estate perspective rather than a “banking” perspective. This entrepreneurial approach affords the Company ultimate flexibility to work through problems should they arise.
Loan Servicing
Gulfstream’s loans are managed by its servicing affiliate, Gulfstream Capital Loan Servicing, LLC (“GCLS”). Routine servicing, payment processing, and general loan administration are provided at the company’s headquarters in Conifer, Colorado.
GCLS currently services a portfolio of approximately 200 commercial real estate loans with a total balance exceeding $100,000,000. GCLS services this portfolio on behalf of seven commercial banks and more than 80 individual investors.